Registration and Ceremony - Inaugural Conference
Registration will begin on Sunday 01 December between 15:00-18:00 and will continue on Monday 02 December from 08:30 a.m., followed by the Inaugural Ceremony and Conference. The registration point for the symposium will be located at the entrance of the Pugin Building of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Austral de Chile.
Scientific Program
The final Scientific Program is attached, which includes the detailed schedule of each presentation. Download the program here.
Please note that oral presentations will have a duration of 10 minutes, plus 05 minutes for questions. Please send the .ppt corresponding to your oral presentation at least 24 hours before your presentation, to
Those participating with posters are requested to hand them in during accreditation so that they can be available for exhibition.
Poster format guidelines
● Vertical format. ● 90 x 120 cm. ● Support material and layout are free. ●We suggest the use of legible font at 1.5 meters.
Expert panel discussions - Wednesday 04 December 2024
We are pleased to confirm that the talks will take place at La Bota Cervecera, located at Los Avellanos 289, Isla Teja, Valdivia, where we will be waiting for you at 14:30 for registration. The first expert panel discussion will start at 15:00 hours.
1. Free-living Salmonids in Chile: Challenges and solutions from multiple sectors
With the participation of recreational fishermen from Puelo, Región de Los Lagos, artisanal fishermen from La Barra, Región de la Araucanía and representatives from the fisheries administration and academia.
2. Local and global perspectives in freshwater salmonid aquaculture
With the participation of representatives from industry, fisheries administration and academia.
Closing Activity Thursday 05 December 2024
One of the main touristic attractions of the city of Valdivia is the Calle Calle River. In response to this, the Organizing Committee offers to those participating in SISI2024 the possibility of boat ride on board of a Catamaran and dinner. This activity will take place between 21:00 and 23:00 hours. Afterwards, the activity continues on board the Catamaran moored at the quay with a party on board.
The cost per person (in Chilean Peso) is as follows:
● Undergraduate and postgraduate students: $ 20,000.- ● Postdocs / Technicians / Research Assistants - $40,000.- ● Academics / Professionals: $ 40,000.-
These costs correspond to the dinner and boat ride. Costs associated with the activity on the catamaran after dinner and boat riding are not included.
If you are interested in participating, please confirm by email no later than Friday November 15th. Payment can be made at the time of registration and can be made in cash. |